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Commemorate TB Awareness Day

Do not let Covid-19 derail TB testing and treatment

WORLD Tuberculosis (TB) Awareness Day, commemorated today (24 March), serves as a reminder that the ongoing TB epidemic in South Africa must not take a back seat amid the global Covid-19 pandemic.

It was estimated that 58 000 people died of TB in South Africa in 2019, and there are grave concerns that a slow-down in TB testing and treatment could place many thousands more lives at risk.

ALSO READ: Childhood TB: Separating fact from fiction

World TB Day provides the opportunity to raise awareness, educate individuals and encourage testing to help address the damaging effects of the disease.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations set a target in the Sustainable Development Goals to eradicate TB by 2030.

This year’s theme is The clock is ticking, highlighting that time is of the essence to save lives from one of the deadliest infectious diseases in the world. Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, South Africa has experienced a number of setbacks, which include fewer people seeking medical attention and being tested for TB.

Preventing treatment-resistant strains of TB

Gaps in medicines access for TB patients is concerning, as interrupted treatment can lead to the development of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) or extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) strains that are more difficult to treat.

Many people soon begin feeling better once they begin TB treatment, however, it is crucial to complete the full course of medicine, exactly as prescribed by the doctor, even once symptoms improve. With the treatments available today, TB can often be cured within six months, however, if left untreated, it can infect other parts of the body. Anyone can contract TB, and there is no reason to be ashamed or to stigmatise others with the condition.

Similarities and differences between Covid-19 and TB

Recognising how TB and Covid-19 compare and contrast can be helpful. Like Covid-19, TB is spread through tiny droplets from the respiratory tract, however, the difference is that TB droplets can remain in the air for a few hours, and inhalation is the primary route of contracting the bacteria.

SARS-CoV-2, on the other hand, tends to fall on surfaces and can also be spread when someone touches an object with the virus droplets on it. Some of the precautions to prevent the spread of Covid-19 can also help reduce the spread of TB, namely: wearing a mask, practising social distancing, and avoiding crowded, poorly-ventilated areas. Opening windows for good ventilation in vehicles and buildings can further help reduce the chances of infection.

More than ‘just a cough’ – know the symptoms of TB

Typical symptoms of TB include fever, cough, body aches, chills, weight loss and night sweats, and while the disease more commonly affects the lungs, it can also affect other organs or structures including the lymph nodes, bones, the abdomen, pleura (the lining of the lungs), the heart, spinal cord or brain.

TB meningitis, which is when the infection causes inflammation of the membrane covering the brain, can present with symptoms of headache, light sensitivity, stiff neck and seizures. People with TB pericarditis, which involves inflammation of the heart, may experience shortness of breath, difficulty breathing when lying down, ankle oedema, and a fast heart rate.

Another way TB can affect the body is spinal TB with neurological complications, which can cause symptoms of severe back pain, swelling, abscesses, vertebral collapse, and ultimately paralysis, if not treated in time. TB therapy requires commitment and support to finish the typical six-month regimen.

Newer antibiotics and shorter treatment regimens are currently being studied in South Africa with promising results, which is very welcome news because TB can become resistant to current treatments.

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