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LifeLine and SAPS take a stand against crime

Stakeholders marched against gender-based violence in Mtubatuba

LIFELINE Zululand and police jointly marched against the scourge of gender-based violence in Mtubatuba recently.

The march started at the old bus rank and ended at the taxi rank, where stakeholders were given an opportunity to address the community.

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Residents were encouraged to report crimes to the police.

Speaking on behalf of Mtubatuba Municipality, Cllr Dimpo Ntuli said the government was concerned about women and child abuse.

‘We urge our communities to break the silence and report crime to social workers and police so that perpetrators can be arrested and charged,’ Ntuli said.

A representative from Age in Action, Nozipho Mhlongo, told the community to stop accusing elderly people of witchcraft.

‘They are also being victimised by their own children who take away their old age grants for personal use.

‘We must look after our parents. Respect and love them,’ said Mhlongo.

Mtubatuba police Sergeant Mbatha said victims often do not report cases because they fear for their lives after being threatened.

‘In some instances, domestic cases are withdrawn by the victims. This encourages the perpetrators to repeat the offence. We urge all of you not to withdraw cases because when perpetrators are released, they continue with their abuse.

‘Another issue is women and school children walking alone at night. They are soft targets for criminals. Parents must always fetch their children when they do afternoon classes.

‘Women must walk in groups,’ Mbatha said.


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