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Child porn video on social media platforms condemned

MEC Khoza urges parents to monitor children's use of social media

KZN MEC for Social Development, Nonhlanhla Khoza, has condemned the circulation of a child pornography video recently doing the rounds on various social media platforms.

The 30-second video, which shows three children engaging in a sexual act, was widely shared, including on Facebook and WhatsApp, during Child Protection Week.

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Khoza said she was extremely disturbed that there are people who would film such material.

‘The circulation of a video of this nature will seriously affect the lives of the children involved.

‘It’s sickening that adults are behind the circulation of it, people we should rely on to stem the tide of social ills bedeviling our country,’ she said.

She implored parents to play an active role in their children’s lives by ensuring they screen content their children access on social media and the internet.

‘We would like to call upon the community to help us identify these children so that we can offer them psycho-social support.

‘Anyone found to be the creators of this video will face prosecution,’ Kohoza said.


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