
BLOGGING THE VIEW: Valuable lockdown lessons to help plan for the future

The first Level 5 lockdown caught many by surprise, so now is the time to take advantage of the lessons we've learnt and prepare for the future

The easing into Level 4 of the national lockdown from 5 weeks of Level 5 has given many South Africans a bit of breathing room during this trying period in history.

However, we do – as humans – have a tendency to forget the reality of any situation quite quickly, and with the threat of Level 5 ever-present, I feel it’s important to record what has been learnt.

These lockdown lessons could come in handy later in the year… or for the next pandemic. Either way, we’ll be better prepared!

Choose your quarantine crew wisely
If you’re a parent with kids, you obviously can’t choose to send your kids away during lockdown, but you can decide who else will be joining the crew.
And, while hanging out with your best mates might seem like a great idea for three weeks, when the unexpected lockdown extension kicks in, you might start rethinking your plans.
Quite a few well-intentioned friends opted to spend the lockdown with family and family-in-law, which started out alright but has not ended up the same.
Often, just being in your own space – even if it is a little cramped – is much more comforting than living in someone else’s space for weeks on end.

Get crafty
For the parents of small children, lockdown crafts are an incredibly handy thing to have. Too much screen time has everyone crawling up the walls, whereas craft activities are great cognitive tools that will actually engage the whole family.
Things such as coloured paper, crayons, glue, paint and stickers can keep your kids occupied for a large chunk of lockdown time.
Reusing household items like loo rolls, egg cartons and paper plates or cups is cost-effective and fun.
You can also find inspiration on a host of sites such as Pinterest.

Keep your appliances in order
Always ensure your annual appliance servicing is up-to-date!
Check that your household and garden appliances are not about to break, because getting them repaired or replaced can be tricky or downright impossible. Lawnmowers, fans, ovens, vacuum cleaners… these items are lifesavers in lockdown, so don’t scrimp on servicing.

Ration those supplies
If you enjoy a drink or two, then you’re going to want to ration your beverages carefully.
Too many people went into the lockdown with sufficient drinks for three weeks, and ended up drinking them in five days, only to be left high-and-dry for weeks on end. With the stringent regulations related to alcohol, nobody knows when liquor stores will be operational again, so it’s best to pace yourself and maintain your health.

Be nice to your provider

If there is one invention that has saved us all this lockdown, it’s internet accessibility. Streaming videos, podcasts and music, video chatting with friends and family; or working and learning online – the internet has been invaluable during this time. Be kind to your service provider… or at least make sure you’re partnering with a good one.

Have an outlet
No matter how introverted you are, the lockdown and associated Covid-19 anxiety will get you at some point.
Make sure you have some form of outlet that will ease the pressure and allow you to retain your sanity.
My family enjoyed live streaming of Wild Earth – game drives that allowed us a taste of nature. Others had conferences with friends, online games, or just pets to cuddle. Make sure you have an outlet!

As we embrace the limited freedoms of Level 4, and dream of the ever-approaching Level 3, we must remember that the pandemic is likely to only peak in September, which means we could hit Level 5 again.
Take the lockdown lessons to heart, and be prepared!

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