St Catherine’s 65th Birthday

St Catherine’s School celebrates more than 42 years of 100% matric pass rate.

Pre-Primary: “Mini Saints” – Grade RRR to Grade R

Nestled between the Junior and High schools St Catherine’s Pre-Primary boasts a wonderful caring and secure environment. Our Pre-Primary gardens and facilities are constantly being upgraded to ensure that the children are exposed to as many different activities as possible.


The aim of St Catherine’s Pre-Primary is to give children the opportunity to actively experiment, discover and develop physical, social and language skills, all whilst playing. Our Mini Saints enjoy a number of exciting events throughout the year – Mother’s Day Tea, Father’s Day morning, Nativity play and more.

Foundation Phase:

The Foundation Phase at St Catherine’s School comprises double Grades 1, 2 and 3 classes. The pupils are educated in a loving and nurturing Christian environment which ensures that each pupil grows in confidence, makes progress, and enjoys every aspect of their school day. Our team of fully qualified Foundation Phase teachers is passionate and committed to providing a holistic and dynamic program based on excellence.

Our Foundation Phase learners enjoy a variety of extra-mural activities throughout the year.


Trust, honesty, faith and family are some of the core values of our daily life within the Foundation Phase.

Senior Primary Phase:

St Catherine’s School Senior Primary pupils are encouraged, challenged and supported in a range of academic and extra-curricular activities. We encourage social responsibility and teamwork. St Catherine’s School environment encourages pupils to know themselves, be themselves and have the courage to challenge themselves.


Our pupils are guided so that they can enjoy the rewards of taking responsibility for their learning and finding their passions. They are educated so that they can make healthy choices and build a strong sense of self-belief and self-worth.

High School:

St Catherine’s High School offer a wide range of subjects. Dedicated and qualified teachers monitor the progress of pupils to ensure academic excellence is achieved. Limited class sizes ensure individual attention ensuring each learner reaches their full potential.


Our mission at St Catherine’s School is to provide holistic education and thus we promote self-discipline and encourage participation in the various cultural and sporting activities the school has to offer.


All learners at St Catherine’s School attend outings which foster personal development and strengthen new and old friendships.

Letters From Students

Marticulant of 2001 & former chairlady of the Past Pupils’ Association:

My warmest congratulations and best wishes for the school’s continuing success. Happy 65th birthday!

Happy Birthday St Catherine’s!

We can only imagine the hardships those Nuns from the Order of St Dominics endured when they moved from the relative comfort of Oakford Priory near Verulam to start an Outreach on a grassy hilltop on the outskirts of the village of Empangeni. This flourished and ultimately became “St Catherine’s” as we know it today.

I bring greeting from my own family as well as the Taylor family. Jennifer & Cynthia Taylor were founder pupils and they and my sisters, Maureen & Heather, were the first boarders in the building that now houses the Sports Office and Groundsman’s Office.

St Catherine’s has grown from strength to strength over the years and has had a consistent record of 100% Matric pass rate. A testimony to the dedication of the teaching staff.

We wish them every success in the years to come. May they continue Educating Christian Youth for Excellence.

Past pupil & current Head Boy of Empangeni High School

I would like to wish a happy birthday to the hands that moulded me into the young man I am today. May St Catherine’s have a successful and prosperous year, and have many more years of shaping, educating and guiding the youth.

Both my husband and I attended St Catherine’s in the early 1960’s, and can confirm that it is most definitely a school of excellence,  and has been the solid grounding  and future  success for many  learners who have  graced her doors.
Congratulations on your 65th birthday!

- Head Girl of 1979

So many of my school friends are spread out across the world!
And, this leads me to my message, especially to the Saints ladies…

Remember…. “Comparison is the thief of Happiness” …

You could spend a lifetime worrying about what others have achieved. This will not get you any closer to YOUR own dreams and aspirations. It is your responsibility to seek your dreams, in a fearless and determined manner! In this way, You will become an asset to the world, and All of us.

I urge you to invest ALL your energy in becoming the BEST version of You (not a clone of what the world wants to see) !!!!
Carry with you, the lessons from this wonderful school.
Be kind and considerate, diligent and persistent,  but most importantly … be strong and true to yourself.

Happy 65 year Birthday, Saint Catherine’s School !!!

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