
Getting on the social media network

Your guide to learning the ins and outs of #SocialMedia

I am part of a generation that grew up – for the most part – without too much technological advancement and then, somewhere between high school and university, it all happened.

Cellphones, iPods, laptops that didn’t weight 45kgs…and social media.

Fortunately, it entered my world just as university was ending so the number of drunken tagged photographs is substantially fewer than it should be, but they’re still out there, nonetheless.

Yet I still remember an upbringing where walkie talkies were the peak of our technological realm. With their 500-metre range, you could chat to a friend with that awkward ‘over’ interruption, where you just ended up both talking at the same time so nobody was actually listening. Really, we could have shouted at each other or used tin cans and string, but it wasn’t as exciting.

So, while my grasp of social media is, perhaps, a tad firmer than the preceding generation, I’m still nowhere near fully comprehending what it’s all actually about. This is what I know so far.


The mother of all social media, this is where it all began. By some nerdy fellow just a year or so older than me. What started out as a fun platform to share your entire lives, turned into an election-rigging, data collecting, advert spewing beast that makes George Orwell’s ‘1984’ look like Mary Poppins. For those of us in our 30s – it’s merely an endless stream of baby pics disseminated by over-keen parents trying to prove how happy they all are. Honestly, if you’re over 50, this is probably the social media platform for you.


Social media for the professional. It’s essentially a Job Listing forum where desperate professionals go to sell their wares and find some work. I don’t think I’ve ever actually used it for its intended purpose, but lots of people wish me happy birthday on it every year. So that’s nice.


This is an endless stream of information that is constantly being refreshed and almost impossible to ignore. You can choose who you want to follow, engage directly with celebrities and politicians, and get blocked if you’re annoying. You can also block annoying people. Man, the power! If you’re finding the world a much too pleasant place to live, get on here! You’ll be reaching for that bottle of vodka in no time.


Rather than words, people share their completely filtered pictures and videos that have some smattering of connection with reality. It’s airbrushing on steroids. Generally, a lot more uplifting than Twitter, but that’s probably because the posts are more akin to a dream world than anything that’s actually happening here on earth. If you’ve been delving into Twitter, take a peek at Instagram – balance out your lows and highs.


Ok, so I haven’t actually used this platform but that’s because I’m older than 15. From what I understand, this is Instagram on steroids, partying with Keith Richards. The reason it’s such a hit with the young folk is the images disappear after a while…except they don’t. Nothing ever disappears off the internet. Let’s just avoid this one altogether shall we?


Here we go. Something useful. Pinterest is as if Martha Stewart had millions of DIY children and they all expressed their clever little ideas on this social media platform. It has ideas for absolutely everything. You need to make a Valentine’s meal but all you have is a bag of nuts and coca cola? Pinterest has the solution! Need 100 ways to re-use a toilet roll? Pinterest! Want to turn a chihuahua into a bull dog? Pinterest! Give it a try.

If you’re new to social media, don’t be scared, nobody really knows what’s going on. Just throw out some #s and @s, with a few LOLs and OMGs, and you’ll fit right in! And, if you make a mistake, everyone will point it out and it will remain on the internet forever. No stress.

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