
Taking Monday blues to a new level

Brace yourself! The third Monday in January marks the most depressing day of the year

BY way of a complex algorithm, which took various factors, such as financial debt, failed New Year’s resolutions and low motivational levels into account, Dr Cliff Arnall, a psychologist from the UK, was able to pinpoint the 3rd Monday in January as the ‘bluest’ day on the calendar.

While sceptics have questioned its validity, it’s no surprise that the month of January plays host to the most depressing day of the year, given the avalanche of bills that come crushing down after Christmas.

Aside from having to deal with credit card debt, experts say that once the fun and festivities of the holidays are over and the lights and decorations are taken down, our mood comes down too.

Shouqat Mugjenker, Mental Health Portfolio Manager for Pharma Dynamics, says the holidays tend to give us a temporary high, with laughter, lights and music everywhere we go, but once the buzz wears off we are faced with the realities of life again.

By the time it hits Monday, the 21st of January, you may not only be cash-strapped, but you may have had to come to terms with failed New Year’s resolutions, such as a diet or detox that went pear-shaped, joining the gym without having set foot in it since signing up, attempting to quit smoking, while beating yourself up over all the money you wasted over Christmas.

This, combined with no extended breaks from school or work for another 11 long months, makes this time of year especially glum.

Mugjenker suggests the following strategies to help lift consumers’ mood in January:

• Identify why you’re feeling so low by completing the ‘Wheel of Life’. Draw a wheel with eight spokes with each representing the following areas of your life: health, money, social life, relationship with significant other, work/career, friends/family, home environment, personal and spiritual growth.

Give yourself a score out of 10 and hone in on the areas that you attributed a low score to.

• Set yourself realistic expectations.

• Do not procrastinate! The more you put things off, the more miserable you will feel.

• Identify activities that reduce stress in your life and make more room for them this year.

• Try and incorporate regular exercise, as physical activity can release endorphins which reduces stress levels and make you feel happy.

• Weeks of overindulgence can also leave you tired, so be sure to follow a nutritionally balanced diet to help boost your mood.

• To deal with financial debt, make sure you make decisions that won’t worsen the situation.

• Stay positive by expressing gratitude for what you have and acknowledging the good things in your life.

• Do not put a time limit on happiness. Rather embrace January and each month thereafter by filling your hours with things that add value to your life.

• Plan fun, yet affordable activities throughout the year so there’s something to look forward to all-year-round.


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