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The dangers of ADHD medication abuse

Learn all you can about the effects of ADHD stimulants

When taken as prescribed, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) stimulants are safe and effective.

But the misuse of these stimulants in non-ADHD children and adults has drastically increased over the years, according to a recent report by Janssen Pharmaceutica.

This is owing to a lack of knowledge regarding the potential risks and dangerous consequences of misuse.

They are popularly abused among adults who believe the meds provide short bursts of enhanced concentration, and students wanting to push through the night studying for exams.

But to maintain this unsustainable level of efficiency, increased dosages and rates of use are often required and it is crucial to understand the dangers of stimulant abuse and the impact it may have on the brain.


Research shows that ADHD is caused in part by chemical imbalances in the brain and structural differences in grey matter – a core component of the central nervous system.

Grey matter is responsible for memory, executive functions, impulse control, emotions and speech.

Likewise, dopamine and norepinephrine levels have an impact on concentration, memory, problem solving, decision making, motivation, impulse control, emotions and social behaviour.

Prescription stimulants provide mental stimulation to harmonise chemical imbalances and enable individuals to focus on the task at hand with enhanced concentration and energy.

However, the abuse thereof can result in:

• a lack of concentration
• sleep deprivation
• depression,
• social anxiety
• an inability to communicate effectively
• a fast and irregular heart rate
• body temperature
• psychosis
• paranoia
• hallucinations

Understanding the prescribed uses of ADHD medication

To keep up with life at breakneck speed, children and adults with or without ADHD are becoming overly reliant on coping mechanisms of all sorts, including ADHD stimulants.

Explaining to a loved one with ADHD the importance of using medication as prescribed will go a long way in encouraging the responsible use of all sorts of stimulants and substances.

Here’s how you can encourage a healthy understanding and appropriate use of ADHD medication.


• No evaluation = No meds

A comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis by a licensed medical professional is essential before considering any form of ADHD medication.

Reports show that some people exaggerate their symptoms to get a larger dosage to misuse or share with non-ADHD individuals.

Having an in-depth knowledge of ADHD symptoms and how it typically presents in a friend or family member, will help you draw that fine line and accurately report the symptoms.

• Know what the fuss is about

Learn all you can about the effects of ADHD stimulants on your children and adults, as well as the effects and potential reasons for misuse.

Equip loved ones with life management skills to rely on instead of medication when balancing academics, work and social activities.

With the right practical resources, individuals with ADHD can improve their focus and organisation skills.

• Explain the risks of abuse

Children and adults with undiagnosed ADHD often struggle with social interactions and may be more susceptible to peer pressure.

The desire to fit in can be a strong incentive to misuse or share medication.

Explain the impact of ADHD on the brain and the risks of misusing or sharing prescribed medication with non-ADHD individuals.

• Know the red flags of abuse

Signs of treatment abuse can range from signs of anxiety, manic behaviour and dilated pupils, to sleep deprivation and difficulty concentrating.

If you suspect a loved one may be misusing, sharing or abusing stimulant medication, share your concerns with a medical professional.

Living with ADHD can be challenging and there is no room for the additional dangers of stimulant abuse.

The importance of an accurate diagnosis and treatment usage can’t be overstated.

With a holistic treatment plan, therapy and life management skills, children and adults with ADHD can manage everyday challenges and live successful lives.


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