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Students claim bad spirits haunt campus pool

Another life lost at the Unizulu pool

THE University of Zululand students believe their institution’s pool is being haunted by ‘bad spirits’ following the drowning of another student on Sunday.

Witnesses said the deceased and his friend were enjoying the outdoors at the pool when the incident occurred, but nobody saw it happen.

‘He had been swimming and the next thing we noticed him floating in the water. We tried to revive him, but it was too late,’ said the witness.

‘We believe there are some bad spirits in this pool, because every year at least one student drowns.’

In a statement the university confirmed the incident and said the pool was not open for recreational purposes, but only for sport activities.

‘It is fenced and always locked. Students are not allowed to enter. Campus security personnel do random patrols in the area,’ said the statement.

Mtunzini police are investigating.


  1. At this тιмє of year it might be more than just bad spirits. Friends, parties aηd alcohol don’t always make a good mix when around water.

  2. Oh yes I forgot!!! The tooth fairy visited me yesterday and we had a lovely conversation over a bottle of brandy.

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