
Uzulu Film Festival ready to roll

Learn more about the film industry during Uzulu Film festival in eSikhaleni and Richards Bay

ASPIRING filmmakers and industry artists will receive first-hand information about the industry during the uZulu Film Festival from Friday, 26 January to Friday, 2 February in Empangeni, eSikhaleni and Richards Bay.

Spearheaded by the Khula Arts Centre, KZN Film Commission and the National Film and Video Foundation, the festival aims to develop local talent in filmmaking.

It will facilitate and promote storytelling through films among KZN north coast societies, especially the youth and underprivileged.

The programme will offer skills and unearth new talent for the film industry, stretching from iLembe, King Cetshwayo, uMkhanyakude and Zululand district municipalities.

Festival founder Bhekani Thabede

‘Our first project will be an eight-day affair showcasing films, present workshops and exhibitions, one-on-one question and answer panel sessions involving industry role players and community members, especially those interested in film and television.,’ said Bhekani Thabede of the Khula Arts Centre.

‘Film and television production generate huge revenues and not only create jobs, but also boost tourism and skills development.

‘Our festival will celebrate the rich heritage and culture of the Zulu nation and other communities residing in the north coast region,’ Thabede said.

The festival will begin at the Hlanganani Community Hall in Empangeni on Friday, 26 January, and the next day film lovers will be exposed to the world of television and film.

Film workshops and screeninga will be held at Hlanganani from Sunday, 28 January to Tuesday, 30 January.

From Wednesday, 31 January to Friday, 2 February, the festival will host exhibitions in Richards Bay.


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