
Felixton ace blasts 8 As

This places him in the top 1% of the country's IEB matriculants

MIKHAIL Singh of Felixton College blew the 2017 matric exams out the water, bringing home eight high As and planting himself and his school firmly on the EIB honours roll.

‘I am extremely humbled and thankful,’ said the young man who scored his distinctions in Information Technology (98%), Maths (95%), Advanced Programme Maths (95%), Life Orientation (92%), Accounting (91%), Physical Science (91%), Afrikaans (80%), and English (82%).

This places him in the top 1% of the country’s IEB matriculants.

While his classmates dished out many ‘high fives’ and pats on the back, he smiled shyly and seemed at odds with the attention he so richly deserved.

The quiet and unassuming young man said paying attention in class at all times is the secret to optimising study time.

‘I never get distracted in class, but focus on my teacher every minute of the lesson, as this is where the bulk of your learning takes place,’ he said.

‘That, coupled with doing several past IEB exam papers, is what helped me to do well in these exams.’

‘It really is about preparation and focus.

‘I made the most of the teachers who supported me, asking questions and absorbing all they had to teach me,’ he said.

Mikhail, the youngest of three siblings, managed to excel at school while assisting his severely disabled sister and older brother who is currently fighting leukaemia.

‘Despite the trying conditions at home, I have an incredible support system including two loving parents, my grandparents who cheer me on constantly, and my teachers,’ he said.

‘I was also blessed by the financial support of Gary Bell, who assisted me with a study bursary, and to whom I am extremely grateful.’

He is now preparing to relocate to Stellenbosch University, where he will begin his studies towards his BComm in Actuarial Sciences.

‘I love the thought of using figures and numbers in such a practical application,’ he said.



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