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New SRC president elected at Unizulu

Well contested Unizulu elections have seen a new Student Representative Council chosen

FOLLOWING hotly contested elections, South African Student Congress candidate Lindelani Duze has been voted President of the University of Zululand’s Student Representative Council (SRC).

Unizulu Rector and Vice Chancellor, Prof XA Mtose, congratulated the new body, saying she is looking forward to a year of meaningful engagements with the SRC.

She congratulated those in whom the student body has placed its trust.

‘This is a huge responsibility but also a great opportunity towards greatness. I am sure you will make the most of it.

‘My colleagues and I look forward to a year of meaningful and innovative ways to deal with student issues, as we work together to find solutions in the best interest of university stakeholders,’ Prof Mtose said.

‘Lindelani Duze is well placed for his role.

‘He is a postgraduate student in a field of study that is indispensable for development and growth in our country and has the necessary maturity to lead our student body at this particular time so that we can go forward together.

‘Through this dawn of a new era in student leadership we envisage that our students will be drawn into the transformation process through decisive leadership,’ said Prof Mtose.

‘We need to hear the legitimate pleas of all of our students, and not only of the most vocal.

‘All students have to feature as the beneficiaries of transformation.

‘So their participative and co-operative leadership is vital towards achieving strategic plan and business model grand targets.’

ALSO READ: Unizulu SRC president under scrutiny

Determined to succeed

Duze, who hails from Ladysmith, said being a student leader has taught him to be independent, visionary and to determine his own future path.

He is determined to make his term of office a success story and believes that change only comes through action.

‘I want to align positive movement of student goals and influence a culture that promotes quality,’ said Duze.

The SRC elections took place on 14 September at both university campuses in KwaDlangezwa and Richards Bay.

Chief Electoral Officer, Titi Pitso, said the elections went off fairly smoothly and thanked all the contesting student organisations and individuals and the overall student population for coming out in their numbers to participate in the highly contested SRC elections.


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