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Train smashes into cattle herd

It is alleged the cows were grazing the railway tracks when the incident occurred

‘CATTLE owners need to hire sober people to look after their livestock, otherwise their will keep on losing their cattle on the roads and on the railway tracks.’

That is the advice from KwaMbonambi Ward 2 Committee member, Antony Dlamini, who urges the community – especially cattle and goats owners – to be more vigilant and look after their animals.

This follows an incident that took place at uMkhukhu area where 11 cows were crushed by a goods train on Thursday morning.

It is alleged the cows were grazing the railway tracks when the incident occurred.

During the commotion, the owner, Phumlani Mjadu showed up to claim his dead cattle.

‘Nine cows died instantly and two sustained broke legs, so we are going to slaughter them when we got home,’said Mjadu.

He explained that he had a man who was looking after his livestock but the incident occurred very fast as the cows were grazing on the railway lines.

‘No one will charge me for what transpired because the railway lines are not fenced. The man who was looking after my cows tried to save them but unfortunately the goods train was very fast, he only managed to save the few,’ he said
Mjadu hired vehicles to take home all his dead cows.

ALSO READ: Police investigate cow killings

Dlamini referred to the ‘many cows’ that have perished on the railway tracks and on the N2 freeway as the owners are not taking full responsibility for their livestock.

‘Animals are killed by cars on the freeway on a basis because their owners hire little boys look after their livestock, and in some cases they use people who drink too much and forget to do their job,’said Dlamini.

Dlamini said that in most instances the local residents help themselves to free fresh meat when such incident occurs.

‘The owners of the dead cows hide themselves and they do not come forward as they fear the risk of being sent to jail.’

‘This always gives the community an opportunity to get free meets, that is why I urged owners of these caws and goats take full responsibility of their livestock to ensure the safety of our community,’ he said.

Ward 2 Councillor, Amos Mtshali agreed owners need to more responsibility.

‘We will call a community meeting to address these problems, as we believe that it is their responsibility that they look after their animals.

‘But what we have noted is that most of these cows that have been killed on the freeway are not from KwaMbonambi, they are from the neighbouring area, so I would like to urge everyone who owns cows to ensure that they keep them safe,’said Mtshali.


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