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John Ross Parkway sinkhole widens

Province is responsible for John Ross sinkhole repair

THE large ‘sinkhole’ that appeared on the John Ross Parkway two weeks ago, is steadily widening as erosion continues.

And a second, similar but less serious problem exists just 15 metres beyond the main danger area.

The left westbound lane of the road just beyond Woodchip Glade, close to East Central Arterial, has been cordoned off by the municipality.

Significant cracks have appeared as far as into the second lane, possibly indicating further unseen damage below the surface.

While the building of the John Ross Parkway was completed just two years ago, the section in question was part of the ‘old’ highway which was rehabilitated after the new section was finished.

The road repair will be a costly project

‘It does not appear to be a sinkhole, but rather the eroding away of the backfill material adjacent to a box culvert,’ said Brian Henwood of consulting engineers Henwood & Nxumalo, who headed the project on behalf of the Department of Transport (DoT).

‘Unfortunately that road was built on sand and water and if storm water rises quite rapidly in a watercourse, it can back up at the entrance to a box culvert and then find a way of getting behind the wing walls.

‘It then starts flowing along the outside of the culvert wall and eroding away the backfill material

‘It looks like erosion has taken place at the outlet to the box culvert.’

According to City of uMhlathuze Communications Manager Mdu Ncalane, responsibility for repair now lies with the provincial DoT.

‘This complaint has been referred to senior officials of the DoT and in particular the Empangeni region.

‘The city assisted in providing the necessary barricades initially and thereafter it becomes the DoT’s responsibility to maintain the barricades as well as proceed with the reinstatement work.’

In the meantime, the road remains extremely dangerous, especially at night, and some minor accidents have been reported.


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