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Major funding for Zululand development projects

Infrastructure masterplan gives Zululand a boost

THE KZN government has set aside R12-billion for provincial infrastructure, with five key projects allocated to Empangeni, Pongola, Ngwelezana and Gingindlovu.

In her budget speech on Tuesday, KZN Finance MEC Belinda Scott laid out her plans to improve roads, health facilities, human settlements and schools among other developments to support lead economic sectors in the province.

The Department of Transport will spend R21.6-billion over the next year, which will include the bill for the upgrading of the 93.5km stretch of main road (P700) between Empangeni and Ulundi, as well as the main road (P443) just outside Pongola.

It will also finance the remainder of the construction of the Pongola River bridge.

Just under R110-million have been allocated to the Department of Health for the construction of the 192-bed surgical ward at Ngwelezana Hospital over the next two years.

The Department of Human Settlements will receive R3.84-billion for housing in rural areas.

Scott also said the rolling out of slums clearance projects are a priority.

‘Currently 116 projects are at various stages of completion, with four 100% complete.’

These are the Gingindlovu slums in uMlalazi, Louisiana on the Hibiscus coast, Trennance Park in eThekwini Metro and Franklin in the greater Kokstad area.

It is anticipated that the projects will provide alternative and permanent housing for 134 601 families currently living in slums, with 24 522 units expected to be built within the 2017/18 medium-term expenditure framework.

‘It is important that departments do not construct new infrastructure facilities unless they have sufficient funds to implement these operationally when the facilities are completed,’ said Scott.

‘Departments are urged to ensure that existing facilities are well maintained and rehabilitated to ensure that our existing government assets, which are essential in delivering government services at grassroots level, do not become dilapidated.’


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