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Zululand golf off to winning start

Zululand beat uMhlali

THE Zululand golf team were in fine form on Sunday when they hosted uMhlali A in a KZN Golf Union league game played at the Empangeni Country Club.

The team, consisting of Richard Allan (captain), Rob Seiler, Graeme Johnson, Phillip Barnes, Jandri Kraftt, Etienne Steenkamp, Jarryd Good and Jason Winterboer, won their first game of the year by 8½ to 3½.

The home side utilised their knowledge of their backyard and took an early 2½ to 1½ lead after the first round of foursomes, which was contested over 18 holes.

Zululand’s Rob Seiler readies to get his round underway on the first tee box
PHOTOS: Richard Springorum

The guys followed this form up in the afternoon, winning six out of eight singles matches to cement the overall victory.

Zululand will host Victoria A in their second league game on Sunday, 5 March at the Empangeni Country Club.


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