
Subject choice guidance for learners

Learners at Richem Secondary School in Empangeni will now have professional guidance on their subject choices

GRADE 9 is an important year for learners who are expected to make crucial subject choices that will affect their careers and their National Senior Certificate grading.

Learners at Richem Secondary School in Empangeni will now have professional guidance on their subject choices by being offered specialised aptitude testing, sponsored by Peermont Umfolozi Hotel Casino Convention Resort, and assisted by the New Africa Education Foundation, a non-profit organisation that has partnered with the Department of Basic Education.

‘All Grade 9 learners will have access to sophisticated aptitude testing methods which have not been readily available to previously disadvantaged students,’ said Umfolozi General Manager Pam Nagappa.

‘Furthermore, 15 students will be selected to participate in a detailed learning receptiveness programme which will mentor young learners in their studies and enable them to go on to university and ultimately begin careers in engineering, accounting and scientific fields.

‘This investment will continue through Grades 10, 11 and 12, and aims to assist learners to access tertiary institutions because of the correct subject choices early on in their schooling careers,’ she said.

Richem Principal Fahana Deenanath welcomed the investment.

‘This is a fine example of the private sector getting involved at a local level, and we are very appreciative,’ she said.

Nagappa echoed her sentiments, saying that corporate South Africa had a critical role to play in education.

Louis Taylor, Director of Partnerships in Education, said the Department of Basic Education (DBE) was highly appreciative of contributions made by business that improved the quality of education in less privileged communities.


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