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Training presented ahead of the fire season

Community educated about fire dangers

VARIOUS stakeholders attended a community meeting in the Ngudwini area outside eShowe where the dangers of fire were discussed.

This comes at a time when the area is moving into the drier winter months.

The rains in January have caused the veld to recover, but the added biomass will increase the risk of runaway fires if the communities are not sufficiently informed of the dangers.

Inkosi Zulu and Ward 8 Cllr NS Zulu receive firefighting equipment from uMlalazi Mayor Thelumoya Zulu
Inkosi Zulu and Ward 8 Cllr NS Zulu receive firefighting equipment from uMlalazi Mayor Thelumoya Zulu

Rural areas are particularly affected by veld fires which destroy houses, livestock and personal belongings.

In July and August last year, more than 60 households were destroyed by veld fires.

The ‘fire wise day’ addressed fire safety in households and also educated the public about fire prevention and fire protection systems such as firebreaks.

The function was hosted by the uMlalazi Municipality.

Sappi's small growers project manager, M Dlamini, addresses the community
Sappi’s small growers project manager, M Dlamini, addresses the community

Support and advice was also presented by representatives from King Cetshwayo District Municipality Disaster Management, Sappi, Fire Wise, Working on Fire and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife.

The keynote address was delivered by uMlalazi mayor, Cllr TB Zulu.


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