
The measure of wealth

In the Zulu tradition wealth is measured by the number of cows one has

MY letter refers to a story in the ZO of 13 January – ‘Cops investigate cow killings’.’Inkomo’ is what Zululanders call it.

I know that if you are Zulu or have an understanding of the language, you would associate the name with many things from traditional ceremonies, a surname, lobola, ‘human body parts’ and to some, even the bread winner of the house.

Clearly the Inkomo, as we call it, played and is still in a major role in the traditional Zulu nation.

In the Zulu tradition wealth is measured by the number of cows one has.

The cow is seen as a measure of wealth because of the fruit it bares, hence we use cows to pay lobola.

In the Zulu tradition you are not a man unless you are married and have a kraal full of cows.

To get a bride you need cattle and if one sees that one enough cows to feed a family with the milk they produce, the meat we get, the number of traditional events we can accommodate, then one can see fit to take a second wife, as well as creating jobs for ‘herdsmen’.

A true traditional measure of wealth – Inkomo.

I’ve heard stories how the great King Shaka, the father of the united Zulu nation, used to take the cattle of his enemies after winning battles against them.

Then I asked myself, what have the Zululanders of Mandlanzini done to have their wealth used as target practice?


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