
Digital fundi passionate about youth development

Langelihle Zulu of eSikhaleni is living his digital media dream.

YOUNG and talented multi-digital media artist Langelihle Zulu (28), is passionate about everything digital.

The down-to-earth photographer, radio presenter, social media manager and graphic designer is making his mark across the region.

Not only does he have a sharp photographic eye, but he also uses his talents to influence positive change in his community.

Through his company LifestyleZA, Langa uses the platform to educate youngsters about digital media.

He uses his expertise to empower them, especially those living in rural and townships with limited resources.

His plan is to offer them support in app and website design, coding, programming and photography.

‘We don’t have a platform which showcases this part of art, and I want to change that by offering opportunities to my peers.

‘I want to focus more in the township youth, who are always left out.’

This young man from eSikhaleni is no stranger to Zululanders and is known for his ‘out of the box’ images.

‘Everything which surrounds me can be turned into a work of art,’

Langa also helps young entrepreneurs during his radio show Business Talk on Sundays at the Indondakusuka Community Radio Station.

Langa’s passion for everything digital came alive last year during the Raw and Talent showcase spearheaded by Ugqoko Productions.

During the exhibition, he was one of the crowd’s favourites.


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