
Caring Ann bids farewell to radiology

Beloved radiology receptionist Ann Staniland retires at 73 years

‘RADIOLOGY, good day.’

If you happened to call Dr CI Stoyanov’s practice at the Life Empangeni Private Hospital in the past 26 years, chances are you would have heard these words.

Medical receptionist Ann Staniland (73) used these kind words to welcome patients, associates and doctors calling in for medical queries.

But after working for the X-ray department for more than two decades, this walking medical encyclopaedia took her last call on Wednesday, before bidding farewell to her radiology family.

This came as a sad reality to many including patients and colleagues, especially with Ann still as fit as a teenager even at 73 years.

A lovely soul who brightened everyone’s day with her beautiful smile, Ann began working in radiology back in 1990 after she left her job as a professional nursing sister in 1984. Her love for her family had motivated her to get a more stable job with regular hours.

‘I wanted to spend time with my husband and family,’ she said.

When she started, the department was under Dr Swan and Dr Walshe – situated in a house at Addison Street.
She moved with the department to the Tamela Centre before it relocated to what was then Afrox Empangeni Garden Clinic.

In 1998 when Dr Chris Stoyanov took over the practice, Ann remained as part of the team.

To countless Zululanders, she is known for her caring spirit and willingness to help those in need.

Her love for people and patients, which saw no human race or colour, is what made her one of Zululand’s beloved people.

‘I worked with the most amazing individuals and also met incredible people over the years.

‘I am fortunate to have been part of this family, and both Dr Stoyanov and wife Joan have been absolutely amazing and let me work even when I was over 65 years,’ Ann explained.

The glue
Specialist radiologist Dr Stoyanov said Ann was more than a receptionist and ‘the glue that kept the department together’.

‘She was an encyclopaedia of knowledge, and understood all our patients, their medical history, previous visits, medical problems and emotions.

‘She knew all patients by name and touched everyone’s heart. People came to the department knowing she will take good care of them.

‘Her medical background and understanding of medical procedures made it easy for her to give priority to those with serious conditions,’ said Stoyanov.

Other colleagues, including radiologist Dr Carey McKenzie, said the team will miss her experience and kindness.

‘She made work run smoothly and we all knew if we needed something to always ask Ann,’ said McKenzie.

Ann will now enjoy her golden years by spending as much time as she can with her husband.

She also aims to travel and visit her children, grandchildren and sister living abroad.

‘I’m just going to enjoy my retirement and take every day as it comes,’ she said.

As Ann starts a new chapter in her life, she leaves an indelible mark and will always be remembered for her kindness and love.


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