
Regina Anthony – My Word, ‘Re-tired’

Throughout my career I truly experienced that no man is an island unto himself

There is an adage which says, ‘We did not realise we were making memories – we were just having fun.’

On reflection that just about sums up my feelings when I look back on my 46 years of toil, sweat – yes tears – love and laughter from when I first started a roneod news sheet called the Spotlight on my dining table, which was the forerunner of the birth of my beloved Zululand Observer.

My first glimpse of Richards Bay in 1965 was a little village with 47 fishing shacks.

The rondavel thatched roof cottages which formed the Richards Bay hotel was our haven of rest.

To combat the mosquito influx, the rooms, restaurant and guests -if you did not move away fast – were liberally sprayed with bug repellents daily.

However, Friday night was THE night.

The local musicians pitched and a medley of musical instruments – including guitar, ukelele, piano accordion and drums – set the pace for a sokkiejol which would have made Steve Hofmeyr’s repertoire sound like the Hebrew Slave Chorus from the opera Nabucco.

I do take umbrage at the word ‘Re-tired’.

I know a heck of a lot of folk who start off their lives at 21 being ‘tired’.

Why not say `Re-Try’, for surely this is the time when you reflect on past years, do the things you wanted to but never did, improve or rectify past negatives when you were younger, stupid and ignorant and a host of other interests you never ‘had time to do’.

Throughout my career I truly experienced that no man is an island unto himself.

I cherish the memories of the many many people we employed since our first eight hundred Zululand Observers were distributed, the support and encouragement of the community, the uplifting role the ZO played in the growth and advancement we shared with so many Zululanders.

Our outreach programme (DICE – Do I Care Enough?) is my pride and joy providing me with the privilege of meeting some wonderful people who are true icons when it comes to Ubuntu.

I shall be dividing my ‘Retry’ between Zululand and Durban knowing that the ZO is in the capable hands of my son Gavin as MD, my grandson Lee and a host of dedicated professional staff members who I shall sorely miss.

My shareholders Caxton are the epitome of a happy marriage between two companies who firmly believe that community newspapers will thrive and grow.

Needless to say my late husband Les, my sons Lawrence and Gavin, daughter Terrie, and my incredible family now in its fourth generation, were my inspiration to create a legacy for my family and for our beautiful Zululand.


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