
Are you responsibly disposing of electronics?

A&E Recycling have a solution

Did you know that there are nearly 41 million tons of electronics being tossed globally each year?

The disposal of this ‘e-Waste’ has become an alarmingly big problem.

With the constant change of your electronic devices, you’re left with the question – how and where do you dispose of your older technological gadgets and equipment without having a negative impact on the environment?

e-Waste is any and all electric or electronic items needing disposal

A&E Recycling has recently come to the rescue with e-Waste disposal in the Zululand area. They are experts when it comes to the disposal of e-Waste, using proper scientific methods in line with global standards.

‘We are an authorised e-Waste recycling firm and a member of the e-Waste Association of South Africa. We help organisations in an economical and responsible manner by disposing of e-Waste through tried and tested techniques,’ said spokesperson  Heather Jooste.

The team at A&E Recycling is committed towards creating a quality e-Waste recycling programme to assist organisations in treating their e-Waste in a safe manner.

‘Most companies now pay a large sum of money for the removal of their e-Waste, but we have a solution. We will come by and pick up your entire e-Waste for efficient recycling.’

The company recycles all types of e-Waste, including plastic and metal. Each piece of equipment or material is disassembled carefully and eventually utilised as feedstock for various raw material extraction processes (including smelting and refining).

‘Our environmental policy includes zero landfill tolerance. All equipment, including hazardous substances will be processed according to the globally certified methods.’

So why do they do what they do?

‘Not because we can, or because we want to, but most importantly because it has to be done! We recognised a growing problem and are excited about being part of the solution!’

For more information, contact Heather on 083 509 8613 or Hennie on 082 391 4381. Alternatively e-mail or visit their website.

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