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Family reunion aired on DSTV reality programme

'Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the show would lead me to meeting him, especially so soon'

RICHARDS Bay resident Carrie Vuyk’s emotional reunion with her biological father, 28 years after they were separated, began airing on DSTV’s TLC (135) channel last Tuesday.

Filmed earlier this year, the show ‘Separated at birth’ documents Vuyk’s journey in search of her father, Bryn Flavell, who lives in England.

The 29-year-old was born in the West Midlands and taken to South Africa when she was six months old by her mother after her parents split.

Her mother met another man, married and Carrie grew up believing he was her real father.

She had no idea of her English roots and it was only when her stepfather and her mother divorced when she was 13 that she was told the truth.

Vuyk said she had been searching for her father for some years, but had no luck until her sister moved to the United Kingdom.

‘My sister located a private investigator but I could not afford his fees. He knew the producer of the show and they agreed to cover the costs if I agreed to do the show, and two days later I had a contact number for my dad.

‘Our first phone call was more sobbing than talking, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the show would lead me to meeting him, especially so soon.

‘I left SA on 8 January and I was so nervous, knowing that I would put years of wonder to rest.

‘All I remember was having a tidal wave of a different emotions and being unable to control any of them. I just kept looking at him.

‘It was an emotional experience that one just cannot explain.

‘Since the reunion, we try to speak daily and my family are eager to meet my husband Steven and sons Matthew and Joshua,’ she said.

The show airs every Tuesday night at 9pm on TLC.


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