
Nobody cares about law enforcement

Bikes and cars thinks it’s the new Oval race track as they tear up the grass

I WOULD like to comment on the letter by John Citizen (ZO Monday, 3 October) regarding littering and social ills.

I have a beautiful greenbelt behind my house adjacent to Raphia Palm and Cambridge Place.

Garden services and every Tom, Dick and Harry dump their rubbish out in the open here.

When you report it, you get the reply that they ‘will investigate’.

Bikes and cars thinks it’s the new Oval race track as they tear up the grass.

Then, last but not the least, our beloved traffic department. On Sunday morning at 6.30am we stopped at the traffic lights at Alton intersection as the lights were red.

A traffic officer was sitting in his car on the island observing the traffic. Low and behold, three cars passed us and turned right towards Alton, totally ignoring the red lights.

I looked at the officer who was looking at these vehicles, but he did not even make an attempt to go after them.

Is it now ‘the norm’ that red traffic lights are only for law abiding citizens?

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