
Bay cattle invasion unacceptable

Is our city now going to the cows?

WHEN are we going to draw the line when it comes to law and order in our city?

Remember when squatters invaded our town’s business centres?

What did the authorities do about it? Nothing!

Now they are all over, trading without licences, littering our pavements, peddling stolen goods and drugs from the very heart of our town.

The only thing that we did was shake our heads and see our city going to the dogs. Then already there was no law and order.

Welcome to the next backward step. On my way home yesterday evening I had to stop behind other Meerensee residents who had to tiptoe through a herd of no less than 30 cattle who have made Meerensee their home.

Joggers were dodging cow dung and there is a stench of kraal in the streets.

As a ratepayer and pet owner I am compelled by municipal law to pay licence fees for my pets and keep them within the boundary of my home or else I am fined. What about the cattle then?

How can we allow this to continue? The streets are littered with cow dung. Residents’ verges are being damaged.

Dogs are keeping residents awake because they bark continuously at the roaming cattle.

Meerensee is supposed to be one of the more affluent suburbs of Richards Bay and this is what we are expected to endure!

Is our city now going to the cows?

We must not allow this to happen and it must be stopped immediately.

If we do not step in right now, the next thing is that we will have goats and chickens walking through our neighbourhoods.

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