
Lindelwa is leading by example

Lindelwa encourages young girls to follow tradition and culture

ZULU maiden and model Lindelwa Shongwe (21) is using her status to educate young girls about the importance of culture and heritage.

This young community leader of eSikhaleni believes sharing information about culture is the needed key to curb the escalating teenage pregnancy rate and shocking HIV/Aids infections.

After being crowned Queen of eSikhaleni 2016, Lindelwa started a mission to teach young girls about the importance of self-control and discipline.

She is currently the leader of KwaDube Izintombi Zomkhosi Wohlanga maidens – a group where girls are groomed to be respectable women.

She encourages them to embrace their culture and not engage in sexual activities before marriage.

‘Girls should know right from wrong. We have lost who we are and it’s time we revive what is left of our culture. If all girls can follow the teaching of our elders there will be less teen pregnancy and people infected by HIV,’ she said.

As a model, Lindelwa always highlights the important of ‘self-love’.

She uses this status to teach girls about confidence and self-esteem.

‘I love modelling and I use it to show girls they can chase their dreams and still be disciplined. The two lives go hand-in-hand. I am a proud young woman, whether as a maiden or a model I spread the same message – for girls to love themselves and be disciplined.

‘No matter how educated we become, we must always embrace our culture.’

Lindelwa is currently conducting community workshops and uplifting lives of many girls in her area.



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