Local Business

German experts to assist local businesses

Various mentorship projects hosted by retired skilled German professionals will help boost struggling start-ups and charities.

THE Zululand Chamber of Commerce and Industry has joined hands with an organisation that will bring German excellence to local small businesses and non-government organisations.

SES, the Senior Experten Service, and the ZCCI will facilitate various mentorship projects hosted by retired skilled German professionals to help boost struggling start-ups and charities.

‘Since 1983, SES has carried out about 43 000 assignments in more than 160 countries,’ said ZCCI Executive Manager Christa van der Walt.

‘SES is backed by more than 12 000 senior experts from commercial, technical and skilled trade professions in over 50 economic sectors.

‘They all have retired from active professional life and volunteer to provide their expertise to SES and its clients.’
In South Africa alone, the foundation has carried out 80 assignments since 1993, including three this year so far, mainly aimed at small and medium sized enterprises.

‘Tourism, transport and education are the main economic sectors, followed by the food industry and NGO services, so qualification and training will be the focus,’ said Van der Walt.

‘Senior Experts can assist in many different fields, such as training of staff, improving productivity, quality assurance and safeguarding jobs.

‘Last year 94% of the clients and senior experts were satisfied with the collaboration between SES and employees, while 82% wished for another assignment with SES.’

Assignment conditions
SES says it works according to demand and need.

‘The organisation responds to enquiries from clients, checks their requests and concludes separate agreements with the client and the senior expert.

‘The work of senior experts assigned is of a recommendatory nature.

‘Sole responsibility for the implementation of recommendations lies with the clients.
‘Protecting the intellectual property rights of third parties is one of the most important principles of all SES assignments.’

For more information, contact Antonette Harypursad on 035 797 1800 or email to smme@zcci.co.za

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