
‘Gatvol’ of crime – Empangeni residents to have urgent meeting

Residents call urgent meeting to curb crime spike

Empangeni residents fed-up with the continuous scourge of crime plaguing their hometown, say they have had enough.

An urgent meeting has been called by community members involved in crime prevention who wish to discuss the ‘serious wave of house robberies and burglaries’ in recent weeks.

A message circulated on social media inviting concerned parties to attend.

‘Residents have been shot at and tied up for several hours.

‘We’ve had no help or support from the people responsible for our safety,’ read part of the message.

This message was widely circulated on social media over the weekend
This message was widely circulated on social media over the weekend

The meeting will be held at 5.30 for 6pm at Amble Inn in Empangeni.

Guest speaker Preggie Vandayar will speak on behalf of all disgruntled residents.

Contact the Empangeni Neighbourhood Watch for more information.

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