
Too little, too late for water cuts

BY inference the article on page three of Monday’s paper is worrying in as many ways as a cobra in the toilet. First off, how on earth do they expect me to keep my agapanthuses blooming with only 15 kilolitres? Have they lost their marbles completely? Before you jump the gun, I fully realise that …

BY inference the article on page three of Monday’s paper is worrying in as many ways as a cobra in the toilet.

First off, how on earth do they expect me to keep my agapanthuses blooming with only 15 kilolitres? Have they lost their marbles completely?

Before you jump the gun, I fully realise that my agapanthuses are not really important.

The real issue here is one of a lack of foresight.

This drought has been going for going on for a year now. Why on earth have we waited until the dam is nearly empty before calling for restrictions?

And even then, the water chaps had to be instructed to make the cuts, they didn’t even do it themselves!

The fact that restrictions should have been implemented more harshly months ago is an oversight that every single resident in Empangeni and Richards Bay will pay for most dearly in the coming months.

We can pray for rain, and the Good Lord might grant our prayers.

But one cannot pray for good old fashioned common sense.

Start spending less money on election campaigns and more money fixing our water problem.


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