
Business Talk: Persevering amid challenges

While aspiring entrepreneurs encounter daily challenges, South Africa still boasts a vibrant business sector.

IN an emerging economy that is still embracing political change, faced with low levels of education, high unemployment and imbalanced wealth distribution – entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs encounter many challenges on a daily basis.

Throw in labour unrest into the mix and you might not even want to start a business. The list is endless but despite all these challenges, South Africa still boasts a vibrant business sector. This is not by mistake. There are a lot of opportunities available out there. Entrepreneurs don’t only seek these opportunities but they seize them.

Successful entrepreneurs have a knack of positioning themselves to participate in these opportunities. They actively pursue these opportunities. They have a plan in place, either formal or informal. Their efforts are directed at pursuing their plan.

These entrepreneurs are not at the station when the ship arrives. They understand the importance of being at the right place at the right time because they are driven by passion, they don’t really struggle to take the next step.

Successful entrepreneurs are not afraid to seek information, research and enhance their skills when they know they are not fully conversant with the subject matter. They are patient and understand that success cannot be achieved overnight. You have to put in sweat and time.

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