Local Business

Business Park explains closure of paths

ZCBF paved paths damaged by irresponsible drivers

ALL paved pathways to the Zululand Chamber of Business Foundation Park’s (ZCBF) oval track and public halls have recently been cordoned off indefinitely, causing irritation among park users forced to use alternative gravel routes.

But ZCBF Executive Mananger Dave Whittaker explained management had little choice.

‘We neglected to advise all ZCBF Park users that we have installed a series of chains in strategic parts of the park to prevent vehicles and trucks from driving on the paved walkways around the oval track.

‘There are three primary reasons for this.

‘The walkway was never designed for vehicular traffic, it was meant to be used as a pedestrian walkway.

‘Owing to high vehicle traffic we found that drivers of cars, trucks and light delivery vehicles were driving on the extreme edges of the walkway and damaging it badly.

‘It was therefore necessary to prevent further damage by closing it off.’

Whittaker said the paving work cost the Park R1-million several years ago, which management cannot afford to spend again if further damages are incurred.

Shortcut abusers

‘We also have large numbers of vehicle owners abusing our facility by using it as a shortcut to travel elsewhere and they are largely responsible for much of the damage.

‘They are difficult to stop because they lie to our security staff to gain access to the park and then merely travel through, often not complying with our posted speed limits.

‘They are a danger to other users and damage the paving.

‘The only effective and economic way of controlling them is to place barriers.’

Visitors to the park wishing to access the various functions halls can enter via either Gate 5 off Guldengracht or via Gate 3 on the other side of the park nearest to South32 and access the halls and parking directly.

‘The dirt road from Gate 5 will be worked on soon to improve it,’ said Whittaker.

‘We regret any inconvenience, but trust that this will help clarify the situation.

‘We ask for the co-operation of all visitors and tenants in this regard.’

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