
Standing ovation for Meerensee CPF and Northern Region Protection Services

Law-abiding citizens are sick of drug dealers who ensnare and corrupt the youth and instigate crime on every level.

THE Meerensee CPF and Northern Region Protection Services (NRPS) deserve a standing ovation for their efforts in combatting drug abuse and drug dealing in Richards Bay.

Recently, the patrols conducted a drug buyers round-up initiative and apprehended drug users waiting to buy from dealers.

The young people were escorted home and handed over to their parents.

Although this must no doubt have come as a shock to some of the parents who were not aware of their children’s experimenting, it is probably the best thing that could have happened to those children.

The problem has come to light and can be dealt with by the families.

Law-abiding citizens are sick of drug dealers who ensnare and corrupt the youth and instigate crime on every level, because addicts rob and steal from relatives and others to feed their habit.

Drug dealing is a community problem and goes hand-in-hand with theft, housebreaking, robbery, prostitution, violent crimes and family breakups.

Therefor, a word of sincere gratitude to all CPF members and civilian groups who give up their free time to fight crime and save lives, simply because they care about this community.


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