Local Business

Skills centre set to build communities

Four communities will benefit from a new skills development centre near Ulundi

A NEW training development centre near Ulundi is currently under construction to address the region’s skills shortages and uplift four communities in the area.

The Zululand Anthracite Colliery (ZAC) stated it is building the Falethu Skills Centre to act as ‘a beacon of hope’ for the coal mine’s host communities Zungu, Matheni, Mlaba and Mandlakazi.

Once completed, the centre will offer a range of skills including development programmes for agriculture and entrepreneurship.

‘It will benefit unemployed community members of all ages,’ says ZAC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bruce Beath.

In response to news that the centre will be named Falethu, meaning ‘our wealth, our heritage’ in Zulu after Inkosi Zungu, he emphasised his excitement for the project.

‘I am passionate about the development of our people so I am pleased to have the centre named after me,’ said Zungu.

‘It also shows that the centre belongs to the people from all corners of this country and not only to the Zungu community.’

To ensure that local community members benefit during the construction phase of the project, general labourers from the surrounding areas are employed through a process facilitated by the Falethu Skills Centre’s management committee together with Induna Ndaba and Induna Sibisi.

Keeping community members further involved in the project, concrete blocks used in the construction of the centre are sourced from the Masokaneni cement block manufacturer in the Mandlakazi traditional area – another ZAC community development initiative.

The training centre is scheduled to be completed in the middle of next year.

One Comment

  1. To me its a pleasure to see our local communities having such opportunities.This further promote the families bonding because there is no need of a husband leave the family to go and work as a builder in other cities. Families security is also promoted. Promotion and upgrading of our local communities, job creation for unemployed, unskilled local youth. Keeping the youth busy and away from antisocial activities, like drugs, alcohol, rapes, crime, etc.

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