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Owners repossess Bay lodge and caravan park

Imvubu Lodge and Richards Bay Caravan Park owners reposes properties

THE owners of Imvubu Lodge and Richards Bay Caravan Park have repossessed both properties from a purchaser on Tuesday morning after the latter failed for months to supply the contractual bank guarantees, despite several requests from the owners to do so.

Owner Tinie Ferreira said the family is back at the helm of the establishment and continuing business as usual after the purchaser, Johan Nepgen of the Batho Pele Trust, breached the signed purchase agreement which, according to Nepgen, was drafted by his lawyer.

‘We have taken back the management and properties from Nepgen and would like to inform the public, our suppliers and clients that we were forced to repossess the property.

‘We further publicly distance ourselves from any actions, commissions and agreements concluded by Nepgen, his trust and management team, including any representations made to third parties in the name of Imvubu Lodge or the Richards Bay Caravan Park.

‘Nepgen approached me in September last year to purchase the lodge and the caravan park after introducing himself as a successful businessman from Gauteng.

‘Due to my serious illness, surgery and prolonged recovery period, we concluded the transaction and in the meanwhile allowed him to take over the day-to-day management of the establishment, pending the transfer of the properties.

‘We have given him several months of grace, after repeated promises that the guarantees would be delivered, followed by excuses for the delays.

‘Our legal representative finally placed him on formal terms to rectify the breach within seven days, which he also failed to comply with.

‘We are in the process of fine combing the administration and bank statements and settling payment of suppliers, pending a full investigation and legal advice over possible civil and criminal recourse.

‘In the meanwhile, we commit ourselves to deliver the best service to our loyal customers and to fully restore our standard of excellence.’

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