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Court chaos as community takes action

Chaos rules as angry Port Durnford residents take their concern to the streets on Wednesday

PANDEMONIUM ruled at eSikhawini on Wednesday morning when furious Port Durnford residents carrying sticks and knobkerries, packed outside the Magistrate’s Court.

The angry mob demanded the release of 20 community members arrested on Tuesday on charges of kidnapping and assault.

According to the police, chaos firstly erupted when the group protested about the incomplete road construction in the area.

They apparently blocked roads with stones, wood and burning other materials.

‘Police dispersed the crowd, but they later regrouped and started assaulting people they suspected of being criminals,’ said police spokesperson, Capt Mbongeni Mdlalose.

Police than apprehended 20 community members, along with assaulted suspects.


On Wednesday, commotion started outside eSikhawini Police station, where the arrested suspects are being held.

The large mob chanted outside the building, demanding their ‘brothers’ be freed from the holding cells.

According to residents, the arrested bunch was helping the community capture criminals.

‘We are fed up with criminals. These people did nothing wrong, but helped us by looking for criminals and recovering our stolen goods.

‘This is not fair because every time we call the police, they never attend, but when we finally take action we get arrested,’ said Thandeka Khumalo.

Community members also said there has been an increase of house break-ins and robberies in the area

‘Our houses are targets of criminals, they steal out television sets and other house appliances to feed their drug habits.

‘Enough is enough, we are putting a stop to all this madness,’ said an angry Bongani Dube.

Port Durnford councillor Sipho Mthiyane, addressed the crowd outside the court.

He said community members who opened cases of theft and robbery would be registered and all matters would be addressed.

‘Anyone with a case number must register their details in order for investigations to be conducted by the police,’ he said

Arrested residents will appear at eSikhawini Magistrate’s Court today (Thursday).

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