
Drug action plan on the cards

The local drug action plan committee is working on the strategy to prevent drug and substance abuse in the area

THE Richards Bay Drug Action Committee met to discuss their strategy on drugs and substance abuse prevention, and the way forward for the year.

The crime increase in the area due to drug peddling came under the spotlight during the meeting.

‘Drug addiction can lead to many things. An addict will do anything to score some more drugs.

‘This contributes to the increase of crime in the area,’ said Business Against Crime Manager, Dave Whittaker.

Committee members discussed various means to assist the community and other organisations to take part in the struggle against substance and drug abuse.

Richards Bay SAPS Communications Officer, Captain Debbie Ferreira did a presentation on various illegal substances such as dagga, whoonga, mandrax and cocaine.

She highlighted their dangers and explained how the community could identify drugs and users.

‘Drugs come in different forms. Those who take dagga and whoonga can be easily identified by the burn stains on their fingers and hands,’ said Feirrera.

Department of Social Welfare, Community Policing Forums and SANCA also formed part of the discussion.

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