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Louw hits a high

Zululand's top IEB matriculant scores eight A's

WHEN Zululand’s top IEB matriculant learned he had earned eight A’s and had been placed in the top 1% of IEB matriculants in the country in four subjects, Murray Louw of Felixton College immediately gave credit firstly to God, then his school and family.

‘It was wonderful news, and we were together as a family when my (Felixton College) headmaster Mr (Craig) Neave called my dad on speakerphone to congratulate my parents and break the news of my results,’ ‘said Murray from the Drakensburg where he is holidaying with his parents, Arno and Anre.

And the Louw family have much to celebrate – Murray was placed in the top 1% of the country (IEB) in physical science, maths, engineering graphics & design and Afrikaans first additional language.

He obtained A’s in Afrikaans, engineering graphics and design, English, information technology, life orientation, advanced placement maths, maths and physical science, and registered an overall average of 92%.

‘I have to thank my Felixton College teachers for their amazing support and input,’ he said.

‘I was fortunate that I had a great exam timetable and it allowed for time to plan and study in between papers, which was a great help,’ he said when asked if he had any secret study methods to reveal.

Structured studying

‘My parents taught us from a young age that structured and responsible studying was important, though they never pushed us at all, leaving us to find our own manner and routine in which to study.’

And the A’s run in the family. Murray’s sister Este was the Felixton College IEB star of 2013, achieving no fewer than nine A’s.

‘I have a younger brother in Grade 8 at the moment. I think he will beat both Este and me,’ said the humble young man.

Murray, who came to Felixton College from Hluhluwe Primary School in Grade 8, will be studying mechanical engineering at Stellenbosch University next year.

‘I’m really, really looking forward to it, but for now I’m planning on relaxing and enjoying precious time with my family,’ he said.

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