
Teen hijacked at eNseleni clinic

Richards Bay youngster hijacked outside medical facility in eNseleni.

A RICHARDS Bay youngster was hijacked in eNseleni yesterday morning while waiting for his mother outside the eNseleni Community Clinic.

According to the victim’s mother, Sandy Naidoo, her son had dropped her off at the clinic around 8am, where she had to make a quick document delivery.

He had parked the vehicle outside the facility, which is along the main road, when he was approached by a gunman.

‘The hijacker opened the door and got into the vehicle and demanded the teen drive into the township.

‘He drove to a dead end and was forced out of the vehicle.

‘The gunman made off with the vehicle and my son managed to walk back to nearby houses, where he sought help.

‘I had left my handbag with my cellphone and all my belongings behind in the car, because I knew I was not going to be too long inside the clinic, so when I came out I did not see the vehicle and I could not even phone to find out where my son was.’

‘We are grateful he was not harmed during the incident and even though all my belongings were taken, those are just material items compared to our son’s safety.

‘The vehicle was recovered within a few hours,’ said Naidoo.



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