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Woman shot in Arboretum robbery

Wounded woman drives herself to hospital.

BRAVE Richards Bay gunshot victim Janine Geere took a bullet in the leg on Wednesday night…and then calmly drove herself to hospital.

The courageous woman had dropped off a friend in Haakdoringrug street in Arboretum and was attacked as she sat in her idling car while saying goodbye from the driveway.

It was almost her last farewell as out of nowhere a man appeared and grabbed her head through the open window.

The friend screamed at him and was told to ‘shut up!’ by the man, who pointed a firearm at her.

‘It all happened in seconds. He shouted, demanding money from me,’ said Janine.

‘I had not even brought a purse with me but a small bag with my Taser in it was lying on the passenger seat and I threw it out the window, hoping he would pick it up and leave.

‘My action must have spooked him because he just turned and fired at me.’

The bullet smashed through the steering wheel and hit Janine above the left knee, missing the bone but leaving a big hole where it entered and exited the flesh.

‘I didn’t realise at first that I had been shot but then it started to burn.’

Calmly, Janine called her brother and then drove herself to Netcare The Bay Hospital – ironically, the place where she works.

‘I lost quite a bit of blood on the way but I am grateful my angel was watching over me because I know how it could have ended.’

Police later recovered the bullet under the car seat.

Janine estimates the attacker to be around 30 years old.


  1. The devil wants to take your life and belongings and left you with an injured knee, but God saved you, People time to take back God in our Lifes. Strongs.

  2. Seriously.what the he’ll is going to happen to our beautiful south africa..murder crime corruption fraud theft lies stealing others money is what s.a is about..where is this heading.what can we do..Please

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