
Update: Couple were killed before fire started

A highly trained arson dog was brought in to help police with the investigation.

A SPECIAL forensic pathologist has confirmed that Meerensee yachting couple, Ernst and Lilo Boller were ‘not alive’ when the fire in their home started.

Dr Clive James Moodley was speaking on behalf of the Department of Health Forensic Pathology Services KZN after he conducted the autopsy this morning.

The statement confirmed rumours that the couple had been murdered beforehand.

Members of the national forensic fire investigation team brought in a highly trained arson dog to help with the investigation.

The dog will follow the source of the fire and police will be able to determine where the accelerant was used.

The couple’s Hyundai Tucson is still missing and no arrests have been made.




  1. It breaks my heart to see this going on. Its so sad. Condolences to the family and friends.

    Dave, can someone confirm what is in the window there??

  2. I am so saddened by this news, Ernst and Lilo were such a lovely couple. I worked with Ernst at RBM, a brilliant engineer who taught me so much. RIP my friends

  3. Condolences to the Family for their loss. I am really glad to see that our Police force is working harder to solve these cases and hopefully justice will be served to the people that did this!!!

  4. With the murder of my dearest friends in South Africa, Ernest Boller and his wife Lilo, I cannot help but wonder – what is becoming to South Africa? It is NO LONGER a place safe to visit, or to even make your home. What has been the outcome of this murder? It has never come to news again.. No follow-up or anything.. Is this case now closed? and just thrown into the archives? I don’t know.

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