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Couple burns to death in Meerensee house

Crime suspected after grisly find.

FOUL play is suspected after an immigrant couple burnt to death in their Meerensee home on Friday evening.

The bodies of Swiss-born Ernst Boller (74) and his German wife Lilo (86) were found on the floor of the lounge after firemen extinguished the blaze that destroyed most of their Mackerel street house.

The couple had failed to meet friends for a 6pm dinner appointment at a waterfront restaurant and were not answering phone calls.

At around 6.25pm the house alarm alerted their security company, while neighbours who smelled smoke and then saw flames summoned the fire department.

They soon had the blaze under control but could not enter the house for some time as rafters continued to collapse.

One victim’s body could soon be seen on the floor next to a locked sliding door and the second was discovered on the opposite side of the room shortly before 9pm.

Their grey Hyundai Tuscon was missing and investigation by detectives who worked through the night and were still on scene at noon on Saturday, revealed that a number of electronic items including a flat screen TV and computer, and possibly a firearm, had been stolen.

Police are following a promising lead and an early arrest is likely.

Dead: Erns Boller
Dead: Ernst Boller

‘They were always punctual and reliable so we knew something was wrong when they failed to meet us at the restaurant,’ said friend Mike Scorer.

‘When they did not answer their cell phones we knew there was trouble.’

With no family living in South Africa, relatives overseas have been contacted.

Rod Banwell, Commodore at the Zululand Yacht Club where Ernst has been a staunch member for the past 34 years said the sailing fraternity were shocked and appalled at the news.

‘They were to attend our club social party on Saturday night and Ernst would have sailed with Mike Scorer on Sunday’s season opening event.’

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A grieving friend placed flowers at the front of the house on Saturday morning




  1. Dit is so tragies! Hulle was sulke stil gelukkige mense wat niemand enige skade sou aandoen nie. Dit is n verlies vir ons straat. Ons sal hom en sy hondjies se stap baie mis. Sterkte aan al sy vriende, oud RBM kollegas en die familie.

  2. Ja well this is south africa the perfect place crimanals have more rights then the people why don’t they bring death penalty back there is nothing happening ti crimanals they go to jail and study what about loved ones that’s gone I don’t think its fair

  3. There seems to be many inconsistencies with this story. I know for a fact that they have many loving family members living in Empangeni and Richards Bay including God children. Dave…. Immigrants??? They lived in Richards Bay for over 35 years???? They were as much apart of the community as anybody. Ernst – Yes his name is with a ‘t’ on the end, was the commodore of the yacht club for YEARS! Did they really burn to death??? The autopsy is only on Monday…

  4. why thieves they don’t take want they want and leave innocent souls alone,thieves deserve deAth sentence

  5. This happens because the like’s of Julius Malema, teaches youth that you can have what you want when you want it.
    We need to educate our youth on the meaning of life, respect etc. We need to go to the schools and teach them from Nursery School.
    We need to set an example and although I do not agree with vigilante’s I do think that we as a community should stick together and put our foot down.

    We, all talk, and moan, with little or no action. Lets all get together, ALL RACES and say enough is enough. Lets descend on all the courts, in every province, on the same day, at the same time and have a sit in, until the government pay attention!!!!

    No use moaning and talking over your beer or cold drink, at dinner parties.

    Its getting us no where!


  6. So Sad when u Knew has passed on especially someone with a Good heart like Erns Boller.

    Let justice be done

  7. Was a coliage of mine huble down to eath man that such a merclist act should happen by a sick socitey we live in.May he and his wife rest in peace.

  8. Bring back the death penalty!!! And things like this would not happen. You and I or your wife and you and you and your family could be next!! Its time for our citizens to do something about the crime in SA, seing that the Goverment of our country tends to have a closed eye on the raging crime rate in SA. My condolences to the couples Family and friends. M Fourie

  9. The horrendous death of Ernst and Lilo created huge sadness to all who knew this classy couple. Ernest was a fantastic ,reliable trustworthy intelligent man and will be sadly missed. The entire situation appears to be a premeditated murder. The horror they must have gone through is unimaginable. I have not felt this sad in years, the loss is enormous.

  10. How inhumane , our society has failed us. I can’t believe in the day and age we live in something like this can happpen. Wishing the family , close friends and acquaintances strength through this painful ordeal.

  11. I am shocked to the bone by what I have just read. I got to know both Lilo and Ernst over the many years I lived in Richards bay. And grew very fond of them both. My deepest condolences to the loved ones that have to deal with this tragedy. May you find comfort through the good memories of this dear couple.

  12. So many tragic victims of crime yet so many who do not vote and help to change our country for the better on all fronts. Fact; More non voters in SA than ANC voters. WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT???? Why is the Western Cape the Leading Province on all fronts?

  13. the reason i emigrated to w. cape. only solution bring back the death sentence and in public. this country is heading for civil war soon, separate countries for different cultures as in switzerland is the only answer

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