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The humble avo could keep your brain in check

The avocado contains fatty acids and nutrients that are good for cognitive and mental health

A simple fruit like an avocado could assist in keeping your mental health in great shape.

According to a recent study by Frontiers in Nutrition, avocados are linked to the improvement of one’s brain function.

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The study used a sample of 2 886 people of all ages who consume avocados, as well as those who don’t.

It was discovered that participants who consume avocados have a better cognitive function, particularly memory function, compared to those who don’t, owing to avocados containing lutein, an antioxidant that decreases the risk of brain degeneration.

Lutein also boosts neurocognition which leads to the brain processing information better.

Fatty acids, such as monounsaturated fats, also contain anti-inflammatory properties which decrease the risk of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.

These conditions are linked to Alzheimer ’s disease.

‘Foods higher in good fats may also lower our risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. Good fats facilitate thought-processing, hormone-production, and stress-reduction mechanisms within the brain,’ read the study.

So be sure to grab an avo or two whenever you do your grocery shopping, to assist your mental health.

For further information and some delicious avo recipes, visit www.avocado.co.za

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