
LETTER: We are paying for sub-standard services

The municipality expects residents to keep on paying for sub-standard services.

I attended the budget presentation at the Civic Centre last week Thursday along with many other irate ratepayers. The municipality expects residents to keep on paying for sub-standard services.

If we pay a day late or are unable to pay the full amount demanded from us, our services are immediately cut off.

In contrast, the municipality fails to provide a reliable power supply and access to safe drinking water.

Sewer pump stations are not maintained, causing raw sewage to run down the streets and pollute our fresh water sources such as Lake Mzingazi. Sidewalks and parks are unkempt and hundreds of streetlights are faulty.

Our roads are riddled with potholes. The municipality’s service standards are nothing more than a window-dressing farce.

The municipal manager tried desperately to assure those in attendance that things would change.

Unfortunately, he failed in his attempt. It is all empty promises, and he has no track record of keeping his word.

Our ward councillors are doing their level best to fight for better service. Without their constant efforts, things would be a lot worse.

We thank them for their relentless efforts under what, I imagine, are extremely trying circumstances.


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