
BLOGGING THE VIEW: Fun ways to celebrate Easter in lockdown

If you’re quarantined with young children, then these are great ideas to keep the Easter spirit going

WE are now into the final leg of the nationwide lockdown, and while some of us are getting into our isolation stride, others are still struggling with the confined spaces and lack of physical contact this time dictates.

This could make the annual Easter celebration seem somewhat bleaker, but it is also a great opportunity to break the monotony of life in lockdown by participating in some innovative Easter activities.

If you’re quarantined with young children, then these are great ideas to keep the Easter spirit going. If you’re quarantined in isolation, get video chatting with fellow solo artists and participate in some e-activities.

1. Paint eggs

We’re in lockdown so you probably have a few extra eggs in the kitchen at the moment (for all the bread baking!), so why not brighten up your baking by painting a few hard-boiled eggs? Make sure you boil the eggs for about 12 minutes and then use any type of acrylic paint to decorate. If you’re up to it, you can blow out the egg yolk and white before painting the shells. And, if you haven’t got enough eggs and don’t feel like popping to the shops, then try painting Styrofoam eggs or make some eggs out of dough.

2. Easter games

Start a new tradition with some exciting Easter games which can be done using really limited supplies. If you have a pack of smarties or jelly beans, fill up a glass cup or jar and play ‘guess the number’, or do a ‘bunny hop race’ using pillow cases. You could adapt some old favourites such as Scrabble, Pictionary or Charades to incorporate Easter words, just to change it up a bit.

3. Easter egg treasure hunt

The shops are still open, which means Easter eggs can be bought, but A treasure hunt doesn’t have to be exclusively for Easter eggs. Hide the items around your home – or garden if you have one – and craft a treasure map for the little ones to find. Depending on how complex you make this, you could be treasure hunting well past lockdown.

4. Easter brunch

There’s something so appealing about a brunch and, right now, we need to keep the mood elevated. Rather than just plonking in front of the television as you may have been doing all lockdown, set the table, pick some flowers and get everyone dressed up for this happy occasion. The great thing about brunch food is that anything goes, so throw in a bit of everyone’s favourite with some chocolate eggs for dessert.

5. Create Easter cards and messages

Although we can’t exactly post letters and cards right now, you can still get crafting and let the children make some Easter cards which can be photographed and sent to the recipient. Alternatively, let them create a video message to be sent to family members during the lockdown.

6. Egg-and-spoon race

End the day by filming yourselves doing a traditional Easter egg-and-spoon race. You can even use online video chats to tag other players in your family as teammates and compete in the race from your respective homes.


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