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Ablution relief for rural schoolgirls

Previously the female learners did not have the privacy of a girls' ablution block

GIRLS at Silethukukhanya High School in Khula Village near St Lucia can now enjoy the privacy of a girls’ ablution block and change rooms after US Peace Corps volunteers teamed up with a local construction company to get the job done.

The toilet block, consisting of five toilets and three change rooms, was officially opened and handed over to the school on Monday.

The waterless eco-toilets fitted with ventilation pipes should, if looked after properly, serve the school well for years to come.

Peace Corps volunteers also carried out a series of feminine hygiene classes with the school’s girls late last year.

Situated in rural Khula Village and one of only two high schools fed by seven primary schools, Silethukukhanya is doing the best it can with the facilities it has, but there is a demand in the area for much more.

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‘On the first day of school we turned away 90 learners and we are turning away more every day because we are at full capacity,’ said Principal Simon Madela.

After two years of working in the area as a volunteer deployed by the US Peace Corps, Jason Jones started early last year to look at how they could help the school.

‘We started raising funds through the US Peace Corps for a toilet block in May last year and it all came together late last year when we teamed up with MJ and MD Construction who carried out the building work,’ said Jones.

MJ and MD Construction owner MJ Madlala said they were thrilled to be a part of the project.

‘We are very grateful for this generous donation,’ said School Governing Body (SGB) Chairperson Raymond Langa.

‘We were in a crisis situation before these good Samaritans came to our aid.

‘If there is any way we could get more sponsorship to build extra classrooms on the premises, we would be able to take in more learners.

Silethukukhanya High School celebrated a 2017 matric pass rate of more than 80%, with some learners getting three and four distinctions.


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