
Seven distinctions for Birdsview learner

Birdsview Academy’s top achiever Jadon Naiken says focus and the support of his family, teachers and church is what propelled him to obtain top matric results

BIRDSVIEW Academy’s top achiever Jadon Naiken says focus and the support of his family, teachers and church is what propelled him to obtain top matric results.

Naiken (18), who was head prefect at his school, obtained seven distinctions – in Accounting, Afrikaans First Additional Language, English Home Language, Life Sciences, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

‘I am happy. There were some challenges during the year but I was able to push through and focus on my school work. I was expecting the results I got because I worked hard for them,’ he said.

Jadon’s mother, Joan said they are extremely proud of his results and the hard work he has always put into his school work.

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‘He has always been a top achiever, even from the time he was in primary school. This final result is a culmination of that dedication from the start.

‘We are happy and we are grateful to God for all that He has done for him,’ she said.

Adding to the sentiments, Jadon’s father Tony said he has no doubt that his son will do well when he goes to university.

Jadon plans to study actuarial science at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.

And his words of encouragement to the class of 2018: ‘Start working from day one and don’t be afraid to burn the midnight oil.’


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