
Robber holds up Empangeni shop with toy gun

The suspect that robbed Huletts Continent Store on New Year's Eve was brought to book after attempting to hold up the teller with a toy gun

IT was a day of commotion on Saturday afternoon when a suspect attempted to rob the Huletts Convenient Store in Empangeni with a plastic toy gun.

According to Whitney Fourie, the teller on shift, it was the same suspect who robbed the store on New Year’s eve.

‘When he entered the store I recognised him, even though he was wearing a coat.

‘He bought a cigarette and left, but I had already pressed the panic button.’

Whitney shouted to some bystanders that the same man who robbed them previously had just left the store.

Members from Alpha Security and Patrol were quickly on scene and headed off in the direction in which the suspect left.

‘As I came back into the store I saw that he came around the corner and was walking toward me.

‘He came into the shop and wanted a Chappie, as he did when he initially robbed us.

‘I gave him the Chappie but did not open the till.

The suspect then produced a ‘gun’ and demanded the money from the till.

Whitney then froze and the suspect went around the counter and tried to open the till.
Failing to do so, he grabbed the entire till before fleeing the scene.

Whitney screamed for help as two local boys arrived on their bicycles, who then chased down the suspect.

Alpha Security and Patrol officers arrived on the scene and apprehended the suspect.

Asked why he tried to rob the store, he said, ‘I just want to get enough money to get a recording deal because I am an artist.’

He was handed over to Empangeni SAPS where he was detained and a case of robbery opened.


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