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Net loss for poachers

Anti-poaching team destroys boat and nets stretching 2kms

A BOAT with two kilometres of gill net used by poachers at the Mzingazi Canal in Richards Bay went up in smoke during the weekend, thanks to twelve community crime fighters.

The anti-poaching Community Police Forum (CPF) team received a report regarding illegal activity at the canal near the Green Africa nursery at 8pm and jumped into action.

‘Unfortunately the perpetrators got away, but we found the boat and net to ‘braai’,’ said Burger Beukes.

SAPS Operational Response Service (ORS) Sea Borders Colonel Kobus Olivier said the war on poaching is an ongoing battle in Richards Bay.

‘We crack down on poachers every single week.

‘In fact, together with the Transnet Port Terminal and the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, we undertake combined operations every week to tackle poaching inside the port.

‘What makes it difficult, is they pick areas that are not easily accessible and where they can hide their materials.


‘The poachers also normally start laying down nets at around 1am and take into consideration the tides and the weather.

‘What is of even greater concern than gill netting, is that boats in the port illegally contravene international security regulations.

‘It is crucial we comply with these to ensure the safety of any vessel entering or leaving the harbour.’


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