
UPDATE: Boys’ rape case causes strain on victims

Court delays weigh heavy on victim’s parents

THE rape incident involving 10 young boys at eSikhaleni in January, continues to cause distress to those affected.

Eleven months since the boys were terrorized and molested by four male teenagers at Injunga Dam outside the uMkhobose Reserve, the impact of the horrific ordeal still lingers with the victims and their families, as well as the relatives of the alleged perpetrators.

It is alleged the accused ordered the victims to strip naked before they assaulted them and forced them to have sexual intercourse with each other.

Young mothers of the victims spoke openly about how their sons are still grappling to cope with the ‘nightmare’.

‘Everything has changed. The young bubbly boy who loved the outdoors can’t even play outside with his friends anymore. I fear the incident affected him mentally,’ said a 30-year-old mother.

According to distressed parents, their boys are now taking strain even in school and fear the incident might have scarred them for life.

‘My son used to excel in school, but after what happened I fear he won’t even make it to the next grade. I wish this case was over so we can focus on other things, but it is difficult because they are constantly being interviewed by court officials and police.

‘Talking about what happened always takes them back to that horrible day,’ said the mother of an 11-year-old victim.

Read the full story in the ZO Weekender edition.


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